Yulong Dong

PhD in Applied Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley

Research Scientist @ Bytedance Research US, ex-Google Research

Quantum Algorithm, Quantum Calibration, Optimization and Learning


About Me

I earned my PhD in Applied Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley. I was coadvised by Prof. Lin Lin and Prof. K. Birgitta Whaley. I did two internships at Google Research, Quantum AI Lab, where I worked with Prof. Murphy Niu on quantum metrology. Currently, I am a research scientist at Bytedance Research US, AI Lab, San Jose CA, USA.

My research interest lies broadly in quantum algorithms, quantum calibration, optimization theory, machine learning, numerical analysis, and scientific computing.

I commit 1 hour every week to provide guidance, suggestions, and/or mentorships for students from underrepresented groups or whoever is in need. Please fill in [this form] if you are interested.


  • [Dec 24] My work [QSPE] has been accepted by Nature Communications.
  • [Nov 24] I gave a contributed talk in the Quantum Days workshop at NERSC.
  • [Oct 24] I gave an invited talk in the BGM'24 Workshop at UMD.
  • [Jun 24] I gave an invited talk in the CS Department Colloquium at UCSB.
  • [Apr 24] My work [QSPE] has been accepted as a contributed talk at [TQC 2024] (top quantum conference).


Learning and Calibrating Quantum Systems.

Multi-Level Quantum Signal Processing.


I co-developed the QSPPACK software package, which has received widespread recognition within the community.

This work has significantly improved the efficiency of solving scientific computing problems on quantum computers.

I recommend exploring the tutorials on the QSPPACK website to get started with the state-of-the-art (SOTA) Solver for Quantum Signal Processing (QSP).


University of California, Berkeley Aug. 2018 - Dec. 2023
  • Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Minor in Applied Data Science
  • Advisors: Professor Lin Lin (Mathematics) and Professor K. Birgitta Whaley (Chemistry)
  • Overall GPA: 4.00/4.00
  • Core courses (all with A or A+):
    MATH Numerical Differential Equations (228A/B), Numerical Linear Algebra (221), Manifold (214), Quantum Algorithms (275)
    CS&STAT Advanced Probability Theory (C205A), Statistical Learning Theory (C281A), Applied Data Science (C200)
    PHYS Quantum Mechanics (221A/B), Statistical Mechanics (211, 212), Advanced Electromagnetism (209), Quantum Theory of Solids (240A)
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) Sep. 2014 - Jul. 2018
  • B.S. in Chemical Physics, with honor, Department of Chemical Physics
  • Overall GPA: 4.07/4.30 (93.69/100) 178.5 credits


  1. Quantum signal processing methods and systems for composite quantum gate calibration.
    with Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Vadim Smelyanskiy @ Google [US Patent App. 18/319,947]

Publications and Preprints

→ Full list is referred to Google Scholar

* stands for stands for co-first authorship in non alphabetical convention

  1. Noise-robust quantum signal processing
    Dong An, Yulong Dong, and Murphy Yuezhen Niu. To Appear.

  2. Nature Communications Optimal Low-Depth Quantum Signal-Processing Phase Estimation
    Yulong Dong, Jonathan Gross, and Murphy Yuezhen Niu.
    [Talk @ TQC 2024]

  3. Feedforward Quantum Singular Value Transformation
    Yulong Dong, Dong An, and Murphy Yuezhen Niu.

  4. Multi-level quantum signal processing with applications to ground state preparation using fast-forwarded Hamiltonian evolution
    Yulong Dong, Lin Lin.

  5. SIAM J Sci Comp Robust iterative method for symmetric quantum signal processing in all parameter regimes
    Yulong Dong, Lin Lin, Hongkang Ni, and Jiasu Wang.

  6. Robust ground-state energy estimation under depolarizing noise
    Zhiyan Ding, Yulong Dong*, Yu Tong, and Lin Lin.

  7. Quantum Infinite quantum signal processing
    Yulong Dong, Lin Lin, Hongkang Ni, and Jiasu Wang.

  8. PRX Quantum Ground state preparation and energy estimation on early fault-tolerant quantum computers via quantum eigenvalue transformation of unitary matrices
    Yulong Dong, Lin Lin, Yu Tong.

  9. Quantum On the energy landscape of symmetric quantum signal processing
    Jiasu Wang, Yulong Dong, Lin Lin.

  10. npj QI A Quantum Hamiltonian Simulation Benchmark
    Yulong Dong, K Birgitta Whaley, Lin Lin.

  11. PRA Random circuit block-encoded matrix and a proposal of quantum LINPACK benchmark
    Yulong Dong, Lin Lin.

  12. PRA Efficient phase-factor evaluation in quantum signal processing
    Yulong Dong, Xiang Meng, K. Birgitta Whaley, Lin Lin.

  13. IFAC'19 Robust control optimization for quantum approximate optimization algorithm
    Yulong Dong, Xiang Meng, Lin Lin, Robert Kosut, K. Birgitta Whaley.


University Course Semester
University of California, Berkeley Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus Spring 2023
University of California, Berkeley Math 54: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Fall 2022
University of California, Berkeley CS C191: Quantum Information Science and Technology Spring 2020
University of California, Berkeley Chem 1A: General Chemistry Spring 2019
University of Science and Technology of China Linear Algebra B1 Fall 2017
University of Science and Technology of China Quantum Physics Spring 2017

Awards & Honors

  • 2020, 2023 Graduate Division Conference Travel Grant, UC Berkeley
  • 2018 Honor for Graduation at USTC
  • 2017 Guo Moruo Scholarship, USTC
  • 2016 National Scholarship of China
  • 2015 National Scholarship of China